About Us

A Serving Church Established in 1987

Pastores Antonio y Ruth López founded Iglesia de Cristo la Roca in Queens Village, NY. In 1990, the church became part of the Reformed Church of America which was founded in the 16th century.

Now, we are also registered with the Queens Federation of Churches. We strive to show the love of Jesus Christ through the services we provide for our Queens Village neighborhood and the city of New York.

Mission: We aim to make disciples of Jesus Christ by passionately proclaiming the Good News in our community and to the rest of the world.

Goal: Ultimately, we hope to grow as a church by serving and seeking the good of the community through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

How Can We Help You? /¿En Que Les Podemos Servir?

Our Proclamation Is / Nuestra Proclamación Es

Practical and Relevant:
Christ is more than enough to live plentifully in a very unjust world.

Practica y Relevante:
Cristo es más que suficiente para vivir exitosamente en un mundo violento e injusto, para suplir toda necesidad y para desarrollar al máximo al ser humano.

Jesus is the theme and the goal of our message

Cristo Céntrica:
Jesucristo es el centro y objetivo de nuestro mensaje

Holy Spirit Empowered:
We totally depend on the Holy Spirit to share the word of God and for you to receive it.

Capacitada por el Espíritu Santo:
dependemos totalmente del Espíritu Santo para compartir la palabra y para que las personas la escuchen y la reciban

We proclaim the Bible without manipulating it

compartimos la palabra de Dios padre sin manipularla, cambiarla, sin alterarla

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